History > Organizations and Institutions
The Chinese Rejuvernation Society
The Chinese Rejuvenation Society was a democratic revolutionary group in modern China established in Changsha in1904, whose first president was Huang Xing, a revolution enthusiast. It was an anti-Qing Government revolutionary organization, whose purpose was to "drive out the tartar tribes and restore China".
Huang Chao Rebellion - Leading to the Downfall of Tang Dynasty View Translation
The reign of Emperor Xizong of Tang was struck by natural disasters, which led to famines, the effects of which were exacerbated by a heavy tax burden. In 874, the Wang Xianzhi rebellion broke out, followed in 875 by the infamous Huang Chao rebellion that would haunt Xizong's reign for the next decade. Operating between the Yellow River and the Yangzi until 878, Chao then turned south and sacked Guangzhou in the summer of 879 Huang Chao’s rebellion was greatly aided by widespread discontent and low morale among the provincial armies. From 875 there was at least one mutiny every year. The most serious of these broke out in 878 north of Yellow River with the rebellion of Li Keyong, chief of the Shatou Turks soon followed by provincial armies and local milita in the region. This rebellion was not finally suppressed before 880 when Li Keyong was forced over the border and in the meantime forced the court to divert much needed reserves northward. Another expression of this discontent was the reluctance of many commanders to confront Huang Chao's rebels, putting their own interests before that of the court. One commander is even recorded to have said that he feared a victorious court more and that “it is better to leave the bandits as an investment” The commander of the imperial armies, Gao Pian, apparently felt the same and late summer 880 allowed Huang Chao to recross the Yangzi. Army commanders now started to take over their provinces and prefectures and submit to Huang Chao who in turn appointed the defectors as governors. Taking Luoyang on 22 December Chao marched on the imperial capital Chang'an. The famous Shence Army of the Imperial Guards was sent to stop him, but this unit had fallen far from its heyday and was easily routed. Xizong and his court was forced to flee allowing Huang Chao to enter the capital on 8 January 881. Like his ancestor Emperor Xuanzong of Tang had done during the An Shi Rebellion, Xizong fled east to Chengdu in Jiannan (modern Sichuan) where he was to remain for almost four years. Taking stock of the situation the court discovered that it still had some authority left, many of the governors who had submitted to Huang Chao now defected back to the Tang dynasty. Huang Chao soon found himself hemmed in by hostile provinces, and by 882 he only held two prefectures outside the metropolitan area of Chang'an. Later that year one of Huang Chao's own generals, Zhu Wen, defected to the Tang Dynasty bringing one of the two prefectures. Exhilarated, Xizong promoted Zhu and bestowed Zhu a new name, Zhu Quanzhong (all faithful). Sensing that victory was now within reach, the court now called in the steppe army of Li Keyong of the Shatou Turks. Defeated by Keyong and other government commanders at the Battle of Liangtian Hill Chao evacuated Chang'an in May 883 and fled westward. As payment for his help against Huang Chao Li Keyong demanded the governorship of Bing province to which he had had designs since 878. With his horsemen feasting in the capital, the court could hardly refuse and Keyong was duly appointed governor. This was to be the last effective court appointment in the provinces of North China. Though beaten at Chang'an Huang Chao was not yet defeated. His plan to flee west into Henan had been known before the recapture of the capital. To counter this his former follower Zhu Quanzhong was rewarded for his timely defection by appointment to the strategically important governorship of Bian. The other governors who were supposed to assist against Huang Chao proved themselves ineffectual however, and the court had again to call Li Keyong. Together Li Keyong and Zhu Quanzhong were able decisively defeat Huang Chao. He was finally hunted down and killed in Shangdong summer 884, but not before spawning a new rebellion under Qin Zongquan. Success was short-lived. A quarrel soon broke out between the two governors and Zhu Quanzhong made a failed attempt to have Li Keyong assassinated. The court was asked to arbitrate, but lacking the means to take any decisive steps against these two powerful warlords, fell back on investing Li Keyong Prince of Longxi. This was to be the beginning of a forty year struggle between Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong and their descendants. The more immediate effect was to leave Zhu Quanzhong alone to deal with Qin Zongquan whose rebellion hence enjoyed more success than it might have done had the two governors continued their cooperation. The overall result of all this was that Henan and Huaian continued to suffer from endemic warfare, denying the imperial coffers any revenue from these economically important regions.
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华兴会领导长沙起义 黄兴变卖祖产筹钱 View Translation
 华兴会领导的长沙起义   华兴会发动的长沙起义虽然未能成功,但却宣传、动员和组织了一批有志推翻腐朽满清王朝的知识青年。他们把黄兴所提出的革命方略,作为了未来武昌起义的蓝图。而他们在组织方面所采用的科学补习所运动新军和各种宣传手段,也为后来武昌的日知会、文学社、共进会提供了很好的榜样。   在1905年同盟会成立以前,除孙中山领导的兴中会外,最重要的革命团体还有黄兴领导的华兴会。   黄兴(1874—1916)是湖南长沙人,中过秀才,曾在两湖书院读书。两湖书院为湖广总督张之洞在武昌举办,学生从湖南、湖北两省选送。   1902年初,黄兴成为官费留日学生,入东京弘文书院学习师范,留学生中有许多人都曾是黄兴两湖书院的校友。黄兴则醉心于军事,常进行实弹射击训练,每弹必中,是个好射手。黄兴并非头脑简单的赳赳武夫,他的国学功底不错,书法也非常好,在日本时与湖南同学杨笃生、陈天华、樊锥、梁焕彝等创办了《游学译编》杂志,以译述日文书刊为主,介绍西洋社会、政治学说及其革命历史,宣传民族独立和民主革命。   黄兴回国   1903年5月31日,黄兴自东京回国,策动反满革命。他先到母校两湖书院发表演说,散发革命宣传品,结果被张之洞赶跑了。11月4日,黄兴在长沙借自己三十大寿的名义,与刘揆一、章士钊、宋教仁、吴禄贞、陈天华、谭人凤、周震麟、张继、柳聘农、彭渊恂、苏曼殊等二十余人秘密会商,发起组织了革命团体“华兴会”,这是湖南省建立的第一个革命组织。与会的许多成员,都是后来辛亥革命中声名赫赫的人物。   大家公推黄兴担任会长。   黄兴作为革命领导人,是极有远见的。在华兴会成立大会的演讲词中,对于革命的力量,他认为会党、军界、学界都很重要,对于中国革命的成功之道,“只宜采取雄踞一省与各省纷起之法”。由于长期宣传,当时的湖南,军界、学界的革命思想日益发达,据张继多年后回忆说,“当时在湖南不讲革命的学生,好像是不成为一个好学生”。   有鉴于此,黄兴在演讲中说,军界、学界、市民、会党“正如炸药既实,待吾辈引火线而后燃”,只要把他们联络在一起,找准时机,“或由会党发难,或由军学界发难,互为声援,不难取湘省为根据地。”“然使湘省首义,他省无起而应之者,则是以一隅敌天下,仍难直捣幽燕,驱除鞑虏。故望诸同志,对于本省外省各界与有机缘者,分途运动,俟有成效,再议发难与应援之策。”   “华兴公司”   为了隐蔽起见,华兴会对外自称“华兴公司”,以“兴办矿业”为主,外人万万想不到他们是要发动长沙起义。起义是需要用钱的,黄兴把自己在长沙东乡的祖产变卖了,彭渊恂、刘揆一、柳聘农等也踊跃出资,共筹得二万三千余两白银,用于运动新军、联络会党及购买枪械,为起义做准备。   1904年春,黄兴与刘揆一短衣钉鞋、头戴斗笠,冒雪夜行三十里,到湘潭矿山的一个岩洞中,与哥老会首领马福益会晤,三人席地而坐,燃木取暖,喝酒吃鸡,颇具豪情。畅谈到天亮,成功地说服马福益参加反满革命,率会党担任起义的助攻,届时在全省五个地区同时发动起义,主攻长沙的任务则由倾向革命的军队士兵完成。   黄兴按日本军制编组了各路义军。他自任主帅,刘揆一和马福益为副帅。湖南布置就绪后,他又派陈天华等去江西游说防营统领服膺革命。章士钊、杨笃生被派驻上海,以资策应联络。在武昌,胡瑛和宋教仁积极结纳同志,运动新军,还参与组建了科学补习所,以实行黄兴的革命计划。   科学补习所是湖北省建立的第一个革命组织,其中有些人已经参加了新军,比如任补习所总干事的胡瑛就通过吴禄贞的关系投入了湖北新军,着重为新军士兵和低级军官“补习”革命思想。
华兴会成立会址纪念馆揭幕 湘籍辛亥后裔缅怀先人 View Translation
新华网长沙10月9日电(记者刘良恒)在海内外共同庆祝辛亥革命100周年之际,中国内地第一个地域性的资产阶级革命团体——华兴会成立会址纪念馆9日在长沙明德中学开馆。 辛亥革命元勋黄兴曾孙黄柏禹,华兴会主要成员杨毓麟、杨德麟的后裔杨道正、杨立军等湘籍辛亥先驱后裔共聚一堂,共同缅怀为辛亥革命作出过巨大贡献的华兴会会员。 据了解,1903年3月29日,长沙名士胡子靖创办了明德学堂,诚邀身怀报国图强梦想的黄兴先生前来任教,从此明德学堂成为革命志士的联络点以及传播新思想的策源地。1904年2月,黄兴、陈天华、宋教仁等一批仁人志士汇聚明德学堂,在校董龙璋的西园寓所创建了当时中国内地第一个地域性的资产阶级民主革命团体——华兴会,并推选黄兴担任会长。在辛亥革命中献身的湘籍英烈共有300多位,而他们中的大多数都是华兴会会员。 明德中学副校长陶旅枫介绍说,原华兴会成立会址已经在1949年之后的大规模城建中毁损,此次明德中学借海内外共同庆祝辛亥革命百年的契机,对照历史文献资料在原明德学堂东北角重新复原了龙璋公馆的原貌,将之开辟为华兴会成立会址纪念馆,并计划将其打造成一个展示辛亥伟绩、缅怀辛亥英烈、传播辛亥精神的爱国主义教育基地。 记者在现场看到,纪念馆通过场景复原、史实陈列、辛亥主题书画创作展览等方式向参观者全方位再现了华兴会成立前后的历史事件。在复原后的龙府会客厅的屏风背后,黄兴、宋教仁、陈天华、章士钊等八位华兴会元老的等高立姿铜像庄严威武,而会客厅里间东侧墙上则用传统的水墨画再现了华兴会成立时百余位仁人志士起立庆贺的历史场景。 辛亥革命先烈、华兴会主要成员杨毓麟的侄孙杨道正在致辞中表示,此次华兴会会址纪念馆的恢复不仅仅是重温历史,更应该看到先辈所追求的民富国强的目标,还有很长的路要走,还有很多事情要做,做好这些才是对辛亥先烈们的最好纪念。 2011年10月09日
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