History > Figures
Guan Zhong
Guan Zhong was a representative of Legalism in the Spring and Autumn Period and a famous economist, philosopher, politician and militarist in ancient China. Guan Zhong valued economy and agricultural production and inaugurated the vocational education. Additionally, he advocated reform to enhance the economic and military strength of the country. He was honored as the "vanguard of Legalism", "teacher of sage", "protector of Chinese civilization" and "the first prime minister of China".

1 The Premier Guan Zhong had an idea: dogs can always find their way back home even if they are very far away. Should not the old horses in the army be able to do so too?

2 Guanziis the ana of different schools of thought in the Warring States Period (475-221BC), including views of Legalists, Confucians, Taoists, Yin-yangists, Logicians, Militarists and Agriculturists. It is said that the book was produced by Guan Zhong, who lived in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC).

Guanzi View Translation
Guanziis the ana of different schools of thought in the Warring States Period (475-221BC), including views of Legalists, Confucians, Taoists, Yin-yangists, Logicians, Militarists and Agriculturists. It is said that the book was produced by Guan Zhong, who lived in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC). The existingGuanzi, compiled by Liu Xiang of the Western HanDynasty, now only has 76 chapters,while it originally had 86 chapters. Its contents were classified into eight categories. Before Liu Xiang compiled this book, some people such as Han Fei, Jia Yi, Sima Qian thought that it had a clou that nomocracy should be accompanied by moral education and ceremony is as important as law. Therefore, it was conjectured that the scholars of Qi State used the name ofGuanzito put forward a new theory, taking their state's condition into account.Guanzicontains abundant history information, which is of great research value in historiography. Guanzi Jiaozheng(Guanzi with Amendments), written by Dai Wang of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), has great reference value.Guanzi Jijiao(Collection of Guangzi Works), written by Guo Moruo, Wen Yiduo, etc, compiled achievements of the predecessors, making it convenient for usage and study.
An old horse knows the way View Translation
Chinese proverb: an old horse knows the way. Today, it means a person who is very experienced at any given thing may be referred as "the old horse who knows the way". It derived from an ancient Chinese story. In 663 B.C., Qi Huangong was asked by Yanguo to fight against the invaders of Shanrong, a strong minority from northern China. The Premier Guan Zhong and the senior official Xi Peng accompanied him. The Qi army had gone to fight in spring and returned triumphant in winter. Due to the change of the seasons, the army couldn't find its way out of the valley. Transporting the supplies would become too difficult. If they did not find a way out of the valley soon, the army would not be able to survive. The Premier Guan Zhong had an idea: dogs can always find their way back home even if they are very far away. Should not the old horses in the army be able to do so too? Guan Zhong immediately chose several old horses and allowed them to walk in front freely. It was quite strange to see these old horses all, without hesitation, walking in the same direction. Finally, they went out of the desert safely. The Details: Duke Huan of Qi was the best-known ruler of the state of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. He was the Duke of Qi from 685 BC until his death; under this period Qi reached its zenith, and the Duke himself was elected to be one of the Five Hegemons. This Proverb is used to describe an experienced person who knows how to deal with difficult situations or people. It reflects the Chinese idea about the elderly. They may not run or skip like the young people, but they are surely indispensable at the critical moment.
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春秋时期粮食资源分布不均衡 管仲巧妙调节齐国粮储 View Translation
核心提示:管仲辅佐齐桓公治理齐国,发展经济,壮大军事,使齐桓公于春秋时代首先称霸,九匡诸侯,尊王攘夷,成为当时天下第一强诸侯。当然,在发展民生,提高国家战略储备方面,管仲也是颇有建树的,诸如调节米价。 管仲辅佐齐桓公治理齐国,发展经济,壮大军事,使齐桓公于春秋时代首先称霸,九匡诸侯,尊王攘夷,成为当时天下第一强诸侯。当然,在发展民生,提高国家战略储备方面,管仲也是颇有建树的,诸如调节米价。 当时的齐国,粮食资源的分布并不均衡,大量的粮食囤积在大夫家里,甚至关在粮仓里都腐烂掉了,而与此同时,民间一些贫困家庭却得不到接济。齐桓公很是担忧,对管仲说:“大夫多并其财而不出,腐朽五谷而不散。”问管仲该咋办?管仲说:那请从城阳大夫入手,在他身上先立一个典范。齐桓公不解,问:“为什么先从他入手?”管仲说:城阳大夫此人,穿金戴银,夜夜笙歌,财产多得没法计算,甚至连饲养的鸭鹅吃的都是上等的米谷,“而同姓兄弟寒不得衣,饥不得食”。看来此人吝啬得厉害,连兄弟都不照顾,我们在召见的时候要狠狠批评他,剥夺他的官职,不准他出门交游,这样就可以震慑其他的大夫,“灭其位,杜其门而不出”。 齐桓公依计而行,果然其他大夫看到城阳大夫的遭遇,就纷纷将积存的粮食散发给自己的远近兄弟亲戚,并且还积极救济那些贫苦的齐国人,“功臣之家皆争发其积藏,以予其远近兄弟……国无饥民”。城阳大夫的事情,从反面起到警诫作用,也起到示范作用。 有一年,齐国米价下跌,齐桓公担忧贵族们借机囤积粮食,而老百姓到歉收的时候又会饱受米价上涨之苦,问管仲有什么主意?管仲认为要鼓励民间自己修谷仓储藏粮食,还是老办法——从典型入手。 管仲说,今天我经过国都的市场时,看见刚刚修好的两座谷仓,我都记下来了,我们可以用玉璧聘请百姓当官员,以鼓励他们自己积储粮食,“君请式璧而聘之”,其实也就是一个鼓励。齐桓公又依计而行,果然,齐国人听说有这样的好事,就纷纷自主建筑粮仓,将余粮储存起来,民间的粮储随之增多了。
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