Arts >Dance
Ode to the Motherland
Ode to the Motherland was created in 1950, by Wang Shen as both the song writer and the composer. The song has a sprightly and magnificent melody with catchy lyrics and has become the etiquette song, the opening song and the ending song of various major activities in China. In 2007, the song was played when Chang'e I Satellite was lauched from the space to the earth.
Connecting with roots through power of song

Music and singing have healing powers so strong that words pale in comparison. At an annual event on Saturday night — one that was initiated in 2011 and intended to foster overseas Chinese people's enthusiasm for Chinese language and culture — I felt the power. The Water Cube Cup singing contest (San Francisco site), sponsored by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the Beijing Municipal Government and the All-China Youth Federation, requires participants to be of Chinese origin and use the Chinese language in song. Since its founding, the contest has attracted more than 8,000 participants from more than 30 countries and regions around the world. Contestants this year, ranging in age from 4 to 60, offered a kaleidoscope of songs, from household tunes to Bel Canto classics. He Konghua, chairwoman of the organizing committee, said this year they received approximately 100 resumes and after the preliminaries, 22 qualified for the June 10 finals at Sophia University in Palo Alto. "We've seen in America an increasing interest in getting to know China among overseas Chinese, parents and their children," said He. "It's common knowledge today that you can't be competitive without mastering the Chinese language and knowing adequately about China the country." That might help explain why the parents of Shining Teens — a group composed of Jonathan, Etta and Alvin — agreed to hire a tutor and studio coach to improve the children's Chinese pronunciation and choreography. Speaking for Shining Teens, Luo Ping said she scrutinized more than 30 Chinese songs before finally choosing the Descendants of the Dragon, better known as Long De Chuan Ren among Chinese speakers. "The lyrics and the rhythm have to be inspiring and speak to the audience," Luo said, adding that the event means to honor the history of China and "makes you feel proud to be associated with China." The lyrics translate: "In the ancient East there was a dragon, its name was China. In the ancient East there was a group of people, they were all descendants of the dragon. Under the foot of the great dragon I grow, grow into a descendant of the dragon — black eyes, black hair, yellow skin, forever a descendant of the dragon." Etta, 8, was born in the US to first-generation Chinese immigrants. She took lessons to hone her Chinese-speaking skills and practiced with Jonathan and Alvin nights and weekends. "We want to show the best of ourselves," Etta said. In preparing for the contest, overseas Chinese get the opportunity to resort to their Chinese heritage, reconnect with their native tongue and retrieve fond memories of the land and people of China, said Amy Xu, one of the volunteer members of the organizing committee. As home to nearly 40 percent of the entire Chinese-American population, California boasts a long history of accommodating Chinese immigrants dating back to the 1800s. The fresh-off-the-boat immigrants have contributed to the construction of American infrastructure, agriculture and service industries. Since the 1940s, new immigrants have made indelible additions to America's development across a wide spectrum of industries, from technology and science to electronics and machinery. "Overseas Chinese have shrugged off the stereotype image of being politically and socially latent in recent years," said He Konghua, adding that many are playing important roles in enhancing China-US friendship and communication. "We need young people, more and more young people, to join our team in promoting a healthier and stronger bilateral relationship," she added. Luo, moreover, wants to infuse a sense of pride in the younger overseas Chinese. "I'm obsessed with listening to the lyrics," said Luo in reference to the song Ode to the Motherland, a famous patriotic song composed by Wang Xin in the 1950s just after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. "Across the mountains, across the plains, over the turbulent Yellow and Yangtze rivers, this vast and beautiful land is our dear homeland. The heroic people have stood up! Our unity and fraternity are as strong as steel," she sang.

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歌唱祖国 民族之声永不落

“歌唱我们亲爱的祖国,从今走向繁荣富强。”平昌冬奥会落幕,“北京8分钟”带给世界无尽的回味与展望。一条五彩祥龙的呈现,象征着中华民族的力量、精神与文化追求,结合冰屏中的高铁建设、桥梁建设,向世界讲述了新时代中国的故事,展示出了中华民族的伟大复兴。   当现场响起《歌唱祖国》的那一刹那,世界或许不懂,但是我们懂;世界或许不为之所动,但我们心潮澎湃。这首歌曾在新中国成立初期,携带着希望,携带着期待,携带着中华人民共和国诞生的壮丽画卷响遍神州。而今,在平昌,这首歌传遍世界,携带的更是新时代中国的崭新面貌,崭新形象。   从“一贫如洗”到“繁荣富强”,69年奋发图强,中国站上了世界的舞台。而作为中国“新四大发明”的中国高铁,更以成为世界人眼中的中国新象征。它宛如一条“中国龙”遨游世界,将版图扩展至亚、欧、非、美等五大洲数十个国家,似“冰屏环抱地球”般,正在努力服务“一带一路”倡议,勾画着属于世界的“同心圆”。   中国轨道科技的发展,见证了新中国成立以来的发展历程,也展现出了新时代中国的历史变迁。从“前进”“解放”到“东风”“韶山”,再到“和谐”“复兴”。中国铁路的速度在不断加快,中国的经济发展在不断提升,在中国迈向世界的道路上,中国高铁更成为中国最闪亮的外交名片。   几代中国人民,怀揣对伟大民族复兴的“中国梦”,锐意进取、勇敢拼搏,为世界科技与自身强大做出重大贡献。如“复兴号”的诞生,更凝聚着中国高铁人永不服输,永不认输,永不言败的民族气节。它的出现不仅让中国人感到骄傲与自豪,更为加速推动构建世界命运共同体,注入崭新活力。   目前,作为2022年北京冬奥会的交通配套设施,京张高铁正在紧张的建设当中,它不仅将为大会提供具有中国特色的交通保障,更将成为中国向世界近距离展现中国轨道科技成果一次契机。民族科技、民族智慧、民族力量将由此再次凝聚成一张“金色名片”,让世界更深入了解中国,了解一个从衰弱走向复兴的伟大民族。   一首歌,不同的时代唱出了不同的含义。它如同一盏不灭的灯,永远照亮着中国人前进的方向,激励着一代代中国人不忘初心,砥砺前行。   歌唱祖国,民族之声永不落。(宋文强)

王莘先生诞辰100周年 故居唱响《歌唱祖国》

“五星红旗迎风飘扬,胜利歌声多么响亮……”日前,嘹亮的《歌唱祖国》歌声从荡口古镇王莘故居里飘出,吸引了不少游客驻足聆听,并轻声随唱。为纪念著名作曲家王莘先生诞辰100周年,他的家乡锡山区鹅湖镇以“唱响主旋律,弘扬正能量”为主题,以唱响《歌唱祖国》的方式,开展系列爱国主义教育活动。 尽管天气炎热,但当听到《歌唱祖国》的时候,不少游客还是停住了脚步,并情不自禁跟着乐曲唱了起来。“在《歌唱祖国》曲作者的家乡听到这个歌曲,有着特殊的韵味,音乐一起来,心里就特别激动。”来自安徽的游客王先生一家兴奋地用手机拍摄下这激情满怀的一幕。 鹅湖镇相关负责人表示,因为王莘是鹅湖人,故居就在荡口,用好场所阵地可以发挥主流思想文化氛围感染人的功能作用。当天,作为系列活动中最重要的一项活动——歌唱祖国歌咏大赛拉开帷幕,此次歌唱祖国歌咏大赛的启动既是对当地前期开展《歌唱祖国》学唱练唱活动的总结与成果展示,又将对下阶段扩大影响、发动全社会传唱、营造爱党爱国的社会氛围打下基础。 据介绍,王莘是我国著名的作曲家、音乐家、中国音协“金钟奖”终身成就奖获得者。由他谱写的《歌唱祖国》,一经问世,就广为流行,被誉为“第二国歌”,是我国艺术宝库中的精品,也成为无锡的文化名片之一。《歌唱祖国》因其明快雄壮的韵律,成为中国重大活动的礼仪曲、开场曲或结束曲,曾在2003年“神舟五号”载人飞船发射升空、2008年北京第二十九届奥林匹克运动会开幕式等重要时刻唱响。

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1 "I'm obsessed with listening to the lyrics," said Luo in reference to the song Ode to the Motherland, a famous patriotic song composed by Wang Xin in the 1950s just after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

2 "I'm obsessed with listening to the lyrics," said Luo in reference to the song Ode to the Motherland, a famous patriotic song composed by Wang Xin in the 1950s just after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.