History >Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Longquan Double-edged Sword
Typically referred to as simply Longquan Sword, this double-edged sword is one of ancient China’s ten famous swords. Legend has it that a sword named Longyuan was cast by Ou Zhuzi, the sword master of the Warring States Period over 2,600 years ago. Today, it refers to a sword cast in this traditional Han technique.
Replication of Cultural Relics to Develop

Cultural relic replication is an effective way to prevent cultural relics and folk crafts from being lost. And it is also an industry with marketing potential and opportunity. China has begun to develop this industry, but the pace needs to be faster. For Yang Xianghong, manager of a culture relic replication factory affiliated to Shaanxi Zhouyuan Museum, it is the first time in the past 10-plus years to leave the province, taking replicas made by his factory with him, to attend an exhibition held in Beijing. Although being affiliated to a prestigious museum, his replication factory, established 16 years ago, received revenue of only 300,000 yuan (US$36,200) last year. "Replicas of cultural relics are yet to be acknowledged by the public. Overall, it hasn't realized industrialization and mass production," said the factory manager, unveiling the dilemma facing the replication industry of cultural relics in China. The four-day exhibition of replica relics and folk crafts was held in Beijing from September 7. It was sponsored by the China Association of Cultural Relics, and is the first ever held in China. Managers from related enterprises and specialists in the field discussed during the event the way to promote the business of traditional handicrafts and significance and prospects of developing cultural relic replication. On exhibit are handicrafts from all around China, including Weifang Kite of Shandong Province; Ding Porcelain of Quyang County and Yishui Inkstone of Yixian County, both from Hebei Province; ivory carving from Beijing; Tantou Nianhua (New Year picture) of Henan Province; Shoushan Stone Carving of Fujian Province; Longquan Double-edged Sword of Zhejiang Province; Nanjing Silk Jacquard of Jiangsu Province; imitation of ancient bronze wares from Shaanxi Province; replicas of sculptures and frescoes of Maiji Grotto of Gansu Province; and Tang tricolor, Ru Porcelain from Linru County, and Jun Porcelain from Yuzhou City, all from Henan Province. The replication industry featuring the replication of cultural relics began to develop in China only in recent years. However, due to the lack of standardized management, the industry has had disordered development with small-scaled productions prevailing, and has never experienced prosperity. "We have crisis awareness," said Yang Xianghong, looking at the replicas of bronze ware which are made by his factory and are being exhibited on the shelves behind him, "The factory will be eliminated by market competition if it doesn't run according to the market." Yu Yong, a master of jade carving in his sixties, said his biggest hope is to hold a personal art exhibition and hand his skills down for posterity. "I have not attended such an exhibition for over ten years. I sincerely hope Chinese folk culture could be introduced on worldwide stage." (China.org.cn by Zhang Tingting, September 16, 2003)

Longquan Sword

Longquan sword is one of China’s famous traditional craftwork, named for the Longquan county in Zhejiang province. It is said that Longquan sword was invented in Spring and Autumn Period, which is more than 2000 years so far. It wins the fame in the Tang dynasty. Poet Libai once wrote several sentences, of which the main idea is “One would like to be ordinary people rather than lose Longquan sword.” The process of production of Longquan sword is from forging, to beating, shoveling, filing, engraving, enchasing, forging coldly, quenching, polishing, etc. twenty eight procedures. There are one-edged swords, double-edged swords, long-edged swords, short-edged swords, etc dozens of kinds. All of them have the four traditional characteristic of toughness and sharpness; contrast of firmness and softness; exquisite design. Longquan sword is famous home and abroad. The oversea Chinese in Southeastern Asia prefer to hang it on the wall of their living room or the end of their bed in order to avoid evil spirits and decorate their rooms as well.

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一. 龙泉宝剑简史   龙泉宝剑始于春秋战国时期,距今有二千六百多年……《越绝书》载:春秋时欧冶子凿茨山,泄其溪,取山中铁英,作剑三枚,曰:『龙渊』,『泰阿』,『工布』。南宋何澹《龙泉县志》:『近境有剑池湖,世传欧冶子于此铸剑,其中一号龙渊。』龙泉原名龙渊,因剑而得名,唐时讳『渊』,改名龙泉。龙泉亦成为宝剑之代名,从此龙泉宝剑名扬天下。 二. 浙江省龙泉市宝剑厂简介 浙江省龙泉市宝剑厂有限公司传承龙泉宝剑二千六百多年锻造技术经验,其组织前身可以追溯到1956年,其时个体剑铺组成宝剑生产小组,隶属铁器生产合作社,文革期间曾一度停产,恢复生产后于1977年正式更名龙泉宝剑厂,是一家集生产、销售、科研为一体的宝剑厂。2003年龙泉宝剑厂主厂区搬入龙泉大沙经济开发区,并扩大了生产规模。同年成立了浙江省龙泉市宝剑厂有限公司,其下设有龙泉宝剑厂、龙泉刀剑厂,目前有员工将近200人,其中专业铸剑技师58人,目前厂房占地面积18000平方米,是继承中国历史传统产品“龙泉宝剑”的正宗生产厂家,也是龙泉市规模最大的宝剑生产厂家。 三.商标所有权 龙泉宝剑厂在1979年向国家工商局申请注册了“龙泉宝剑”商标,1984年又注册了“龙、凤、七星”图案商标,是唯一拥有这两个商标的宝剑生产厂家。 四.主要事迹简介 1956年,宝剑厂在成立之初为毛泽东铸造长锋剑;1988年,为时任国家主席杨尚昆铸造单剑;1992年为邓小平同志铸造凸花双剑;并陆续为朱镕基、乔石、张爱萍等党和国家领导人铸造特制宝剑。值得称道的是,1972年周恩来总理还曾转赠了4把龙泉宝剑厂铸造的单剑给美国总统尼克松。 1984年龙泉宝剑厂收到中国兵器专家吴运铎信件称赞:“贵厂艺人无愧铸剑之名师良工,匠心独运,堪称当代绝技。龙泉宝剑艺振今古,誉满中外,此乃我民族之骄傲。”同样于1984年,时任国务委员、国防部长张爱萍为电视剧《龙泉剑》题写片名。 1988年11月,国家主席杨尚昆为龙泉宝剑厂题写“龙泉宝剑”四字。 此外,龙泉宝剑厂也积极参与影视剧和各种文化活动,电影《七剑下天山》、电视剧《倚天屠龙记》、电视剧《碧血剑》等影视剧中所用的刀剑都为龙泉宝剑厂所铸造。大家熟悉的《仙剑奇侠传3》中的魔剑也是由龙泉宝剑厂特别打造,此外还与网络游戏《剑侠情缘》合作打造宝剑。 著名武侠小说作者金庸先生在2004年到龙泉宝剑厂访问,龙泉宝剑厂为其铸剑一把,金庸先生为此亲笔题词。著名制作人张纪中先生也因为《碧血剑》的拍摄来龙泉寻剑,并与龙泉宝剑厂总经理张叶胜一起论剑,亲自试剑,赞不绝口。 五.近年情况 浙江省龙泉市宝剑厂有限公司在新厂区(龙泉大沙经济开发区)建造了生产科研基地以及旅游观光景点,常年对外开放,其中设有磨剑坊、祖师庙、论剑亭等旅游景点,让刀剑爱好者可以欣赏到龙泉宝剑的铸造过程、领略到龙泉宝剑的文化底蕴。目前龙泉宝剑厂已经具有100多个品种,年产刀剑量50多万把,由于长年重视产品质量,经过多年积累沉淀,龙泉宝剑的品牌已经获得了大量刀剑爱好者的认可,浙江省龙泉市宝剑厂有限公司在宝剑行业也享有盛誉。肩上负有将“龙泉宝剑”品牌发扬光大的重任,龙泉宝剑厂任重而道远,路漫漫其修远,吾将上下而求索。

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